A Brand New Episode

Random thoughts! With some sense!



I went to bed on Sunday, thinking that I was going to wake up to another boring Monday morning to start the week. Little did I know that it was going to be a wonderful day.


I woke up to the sound of the alarm. The alarm is usually very patient with me. I always get few extra minutes of sleep after snoozing. I love that part of sleeping. The alarm goes off again. And the alarm wakes me up with a hot cup of tasty tea.  Yesterday, like every other day, the alarm clock sat beside me and was cajoling me to wake up. With the sunlight streaming in, it seemed like a wonderful morning to wake up to. Oh, did I mention that the patient alarm clock giving me such wonderful mornings is my husband?

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The empty cup: Fill it with innocence!

I vividly remember my childhood days. Life then, for my sister, cousins, friends and me was fairly simple. We woke up every morning hating to go to school, but enjoying each and every moment there. We spent the evenings examining tiny insects & creatures, playing outside with friends till it got dark. I remember getting mad at my sister for the silliest reason, yet being proud when she got all protective over me. I got all the little pleasures that a child was supposed to get. Now as I reflect back, I am happy with the time I spent as a child, shedding my innocence only when the time was right. I grew up in a healthy environment. Thanks to my wonderful family!

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